What is spam?

Email spam, also referred to as junk email, is unsolicited messages sent in bulk by email (spamming). The more you use your email account to send messages and sign up to websites, the more junk you'll no doubt receive. After some time you may also start receiving scam emails.

How can I prevent it?

If you've set up an email account on your own domain, you can of course simply change your email address if the level of junk becomes too much to handle but there is a way to protect against most unwanted email without too much effort.

All hosting provided by us uses a standard cPanel which provides a tool called Spam Experts. All email to your domain or subdomains can be routed through a spam filtering servers before being delivered to your mailbox.

To access Spam Experts, login to your cPanel and look for the icon in the mail section. (If you do not have a cPanel login, please contact us)

and login to your domain

This will take you to the STRIKE eMail Protector which is a server linked to your hosting through which email can pass and be filtered.

The filtering service offers many features but most are beyond the scope of a simple tutorial. Basic spam filtering can be done by using a small subset of the available options.


To become familiar with the eMail Protector first click on Logs in the Incoming section.  Search your email for a period of time, perhaps a week or longer.

Which will provide a list of your received emails, indicating the status of each. Some may be marked as spam already. Using this list, it is possible to select using the control on the left side, if an email should be either blacklisted or whitelisted.

Whitelist any email which has erroneously been marked as spam but you definitely want to receive it.

Blacklist any email which was not reported as spam but you'd like it to be. This will prevent the email from reaching your inbox.

Quarantined Email can be viewed by clicking on the button Spam Quarantine.

Making Life Easy

Logging into cPanel, connecting to the spam filtering server and checking logs might sounds like a chore and indeed it is. Luckily there is a function which can avoid the need to go through this process unless you are looking for a missing email or having problems with repeated junk emails.

In the left menu there's a section for reporting. Select the domain protection report and decide how often you'd like the report and where to send them to. You'll then receive a summary of the spam protection activities for that period straight to your inbox. You only then need to login if you see something in the report which needs attention.

If you'd like to see the report immediately, click on Protection report - send now and use this to select your preferred options.

Hopefully using the spam filtering, provided as part of your hosting, leaves your inbox mostly junk free.